The Hawthorns Clevedon

An Unforgettable Forever Diamond Evening at The Hawthorns Clevedon

An Unforgettable Forever Diamond Evening at The Hawthorns Clevedon

At The Hawthorns Clevedon, we recently hosted a truly special evening that brought together residents, guests, and staff for a celebration of life, joy, and togetherness. Our Forever Diamond Evening was a magical occasion, filled with delicious food, uplifting entertainment, and the warmth of a close-knit community.

Aggie Jasinski, our Customer Services Manager, perfectly captured the essence of the event:
“This evening truly reflected the vibrant spirit of The Hawthorns Clevedon. Our residents and guests indulged in a delightful meal, enjoyed an exceptional performance by Neil Diamond tribute artist Chris Hendy, and most importantly, shared wonderful moments in each other’s company.”

The night was a brilliant showcase of what makes The Hawthorns experience so unique—our dedication to creating a lively, supportive, and joyful environment for all. With music, laughter, and plenty of smiles, the evening perfectly embodied the sense of community we cherish.

A big thank you goes to everyone who joined us for this unforgettable celebration. Special applause is reserved for our incredible staff, whose hard work and dedication created such a magical atmosphere.

Resident Mr. Charles Hart was among those who shared their thoughts on the event, saying:
“It was a very nice evening—thank you very much. The food was excellent, the music was fantastic, and the atmosphere was lovely. My guest and I had so much fun!”

Alison Bryant, our General Manager, shared her pride in the team as well:
“What a fantastic evening, I’m so proud of our team!”

We look forward to many more memorable moments like this one, as we continue to create lasting memories together. At The Hawthorns Clevedon, life is about cherishing every moment and living it to the fullest—together.

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